Critical Health and Racial Literacy

Researchers at the CO-CREATH LAB at the University of Ottawa received a grant to study the effects of COVID-19 on African, Caribbean, and Black communities in Canada with the goal of turning their findings into actionable training materials. With the provision of extensive source material, the instructional designer developed a course that captured critical information while balancing the need for detailed context with efficiency.

Bringing the voices of the research study participants to life was a key strategy for personalizing course concepts and skills. To do this, case studies using personas and quotes from the qualitative data were integrated. These personas and quotes modeled concepts and required the learner to engage with decision-making processes and self-reflection in relation to their own professional contexts.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop an understanding of critical health literacy and the Social Determinants of Health to identify and implement strategies that address health inequities in healthcare practice.
  • Develop an understanding of the historical roots of racism in Canada, critical race theory, and racial literacy to recognize and address unconscious bias, oppression, and health inequities, while advancing racial equity in healthcare for African, Caribbean, and Black communities.
  • Understand the role of culture, cultural competence, and humility in healthcare, and apply DEI practices to create equitable, culturally safe, and responsive health systems for African, Caribbean, and Black communities.

Project Screenshots:

Project Details


3 eLearning modules of 1 hour each; 3 synchronous workshops of 1 hour each

Interactivity Level:
Articulate Storyline Level 2

Key elements:

  • Knowledge checks
  • Scenario-based sequences
  • Programmatic progress
  • AI narration
  • Custom illustrations


Training Type:

  • Diversity & Inclusion Training
  • Soft Skills Training
  • Healthcare Training
  • Community Training